The Steadman House Hours:
Sundays 1 - 3 pm
(except meeting days)
Thursdays 1 - 4 pm
(weather permitting)
Or By Appointment: Linda Wilcox: 315-430-7963
Society Officers:
President: Linda Wilcox Vice Presdient: Chuck Paul Treasurer: Karen Pollard Secretary: Diana Spencer
Trustees: (3 year terms)
Maria Catanzaro
Carol Armstrong
John Curtin
Diana Spencer
Mary Ellen Popyk
The Marcellus Historical Society was founded on
January 25, 1960 with 18 people from the Marcellus area in
attendance. Today, the Society, which meets monthly, has a
membership of over 400 from all over the country.
The Society's purpose is to foster the study of the Township of
Marcellus, collect historical records and artifacts pertaining
to the Township, maintain a location for these materials to be
preserved and displayed and to keep alive the heritage of the
Membership is open to all who have an interest in the history
of Marcellus, NY. The Society publishes a newsletter 4 times a
year, conducts Open Houses at The Steadman House and at
its monthly meetings sponsors a speaker with a topic of local
The Society continues to accept and preserve artifacts of local
interest and will do genealogy research or assist those who
need help with family research. Anyone wishing to preserve
a family history in the Steadman House archives should
contact an officer or trustee.
In addition, those who might want to contribute, or allow the
Society to copy, historically significant photos of Marcellus
people, places and businesses are also encouraged to make
contact with the Society.
The Society offers a number of collectibles for sale in The
Steadman House gift shop, including books, afghans, mugs,
postcards and pictures. ~
Join the Society! $10 per person / $15 per couple
$15 per Family (includes children under 18)
Basic Membership = 1 year
Sustaining Membership = 5 years (dues x5) Download and Print a Membership Form using Adobe Reader